South-South Cooperation as a framework for collaboration among countries of the global South. It is a catalyst for gender sensitive peace and development agenda. It echoes the political, economic, social, cultural, environmental and technical fields, with knowledge sharing on innovations, skills, expertise, resources and good practices. Gender issues are a central part of cooperation between countries, and in particular on peace and development. A gender-sensitive South-South Cooperation approach on peace and development will pave the way for forming a powerful tool for more inclusive and sustainable development. Developing countries hold a wealth of experiences, solutions, innovations and good practices. To leverage South-South Cooperation to advance the gender equality on peace and development is critical to the overall process of utilizing South-South Cooperation as catalyst for development and peace in the global south. As such, this research will address the challenges, opportunities and potentials of South-South Cooperation (SSC) in fostering and strengthening the gender sensitive SSC engagement on peace and development agenda. UNOSSC is pioneering this research on SSC impacts, potentials and challenges in advancing gender sensitive peace and development agenda in the Global South, and how SSC can promote research that can advance the thinking, inform policy, and guide programming and practices in SSC for sustainable development.


This proposed Research aims to examine and explore the role of the South-South Cooperation in strengthening the prospects for women, girls and youth to be included in peace and development processes. The research highlights the challenges and the opportunities in transforming and changing the peace and development framework and building a robust and inclusive framework on peace and development that incorporate and accommodates the cognitive structure and perspectives of women girls and youth, as critical to the overall peace and development processes in their respective countries.

UNOSSC invites eligible contributors from the Global Thinkers Network to submit expressions of interest together with concept notes directly responding to one of the three requested chapters III, IV, V, referring to the outlines and accompanying guiding questions prepared. Interested contributors are asked to submit applications for only one of the commissioned chapters. Following the publication of the research, UNOSSC aims to draw critical analysis to the potentials of South-South Cooperation in advancing and strengthening’s women, girls and youth’s inclusion in peace and development agenda.

Chapter 1: Introduction - The Gender Dimension of SSC on Peace and Development, aims and objectives

    1. Definition of the SSC
    2. Exploring the gender dimension of peace and development agenda
    3. The role of the SSC in advancing a gender sensitive peace and development agenda

This chapter will lay the grounds for SSC work, engagement and platforms, and will explore theoretically the strategies and objectives of South-South Cooperation. The chapter will move forward by exploring the gender dimension of peace and development, to place the entry points for South-South Cooperation in advancing and strengthening gender sensitive South-South cooperation on Peace and Development. It composes of three main sections of:

Section (a) will address the definition and the engagement of SSC, and history of the SSC framework, it will look at SSC on peace and development and the main pillars of the framework as well as the outcome. The introduction will map the SSC strategies of engagement, and its aims and objectives following BAPA+40. With detailed definition of the SSC and the intervention and the scope of work expected from cooperation between countries in the Global South.

Section (b) will explore the SSC gender dimension on peace and development highlighting, the Security Council Tesolution 1325 on Women Peace and Security and Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth Peace and Security. The section will advance and discuss the gender sensitive SSC framework on peace and development.

Section (c) will specify the exact expected role played by SSC framework in advancing and strengthening the gender sensitive peace and development agenda. The section will map the framework, the galaxy, think tank and global thinkers and how all will transform knowledge sharing and will highlight good practice and success stories that could be replicated discussed and traded among countries in the global south.

Chapter II: Background - How to expand the SSC engagement in a gender-sensitive Peace and Development agenda 

    1. Clustering of the countries in the global South.
    2. Exploring the SSC framework and platforms: South-South Galaxy and Global Thinkers.
    3. The challenges and opportunities in mainstreaming SSC across the gendered peace and development agenda.

The first section will address in details, SSC framework and engagement with the Global South, by exploring the South-South Galaxy, Think Tanks and the Global Thinker’s platforms. The section will highlight few examples from the South, in terms of engaging women and youth in peace and development processes, highlighting few mechanisms and approaches adopted in countries in the South.

Section (b) will focus on selected countries from the South, the countries will be selected echoing their experiences and practices, aiming and sharing the experience within the SSC platforms and measuring the impact and potential of sharing knowledge and advancing women’s agenda on peace and development.

Section (c) will highlight the challenges, obstacles as well as opportunities in mainstreaming SSC across the gendered peace and development agenda in the South, marking the ways by which SSC can challenge and fill the gaps in strengthening women, and youth presence in peace and security agenda.

Chapter III: The Prospects for Inclusiveness, case study: The potential of South-South Cooperation in strenghtening the gender dimension of Peace and Development in Burundi, Rwanda and Sudan


SSC is one of the most dynamic platforms for economic development and thus, works with a diverse and flexible set of modalities and instruments, including knowledge exchanges, technology transfers, financing, peer support, neighborhood initiatives, and countries forming common development agendas to seek collective solutions to common problems. In relation to engendering peace and development agenda, SSC has an enormous capacity and potential  to strengthening and advancing an inclusive peace and development agenda in the Global South. However, the lack of a structural approach in sharing knowledge and disseminating information on good practices and stimulating experts and thinkers in the Global South to share knowledge and prospects for appropriate remedies and solutions, diminishes the effectiveness of SSC. This chapter will look at the potential and the realization of full capacities of the SSC platform.

The chapter will highlight case studies, approaches and mechanisms used to advance women and youth agendas on peace and development, as well as the obstacles. The chapter will broadly map the SSC potential and opportunities in strengthening cooperation and knowledge exchange, and potentially replicating or adapting good practices among the global South. The chapter will map the following: 

a. How can SSC framework transform and impact Women/Youth Peace and Security Agenda?
b. Policy Guidance for women, girls and youth inclusion in SSC on Peace and Development, highlighting SCR 1325 & SCR 2250.

This chapter will be devoted for the discussion of cases from Africa (Women, Peace and Security and Youth, Peace and Security Resolutions).  

SSC: Expanding and advancing inclusive peace and development processes

  • SSC's potential roles in the Peace and Development agenda and the integration of gender perspectives
  • The optimal use of SSC, the South-South Galaxy and the Global Thinkers platform.
  • The impact of the role of women and youth in the Peace and Development agenda.
  • The inclusion of women and youth, mechanisms and approaches in advancing women and youth's participation
  • The challenges, opportunities and good practices. 
  • Prospects of strengthening and expanding the role of SSC in each case.
  • Prospects of strengthening and expanding the role of SSC in each case.

Burundi, Sudan, Rwanda (questionnaire, visit and meetings). 

  • The peace agreement, critical political appraisal
  • Women contributions
  • Gender dimension of the agreement and the implementation of SCR 1325
  • Role played by women, signatories, members, and roles
  • The outcome

Chapter IV: The Prospects for Inclusiveness, case study Latin America: South-South Cooperation potential in strenghtening the gender dimension on Peace and Development in countries in Colombia, Guatemala and Nicaragua

SSC is one of the most dynamic platforms for economic development and thus, works with a diverse and flexible set of modalities and instruments, including knowledge exchanges, technology transfers, financing, peer support, neighborhood initiatives, and countries forming common development agendas to seek collective solutions to common problems. In relation to engendering peace and development agenda, SSC has an enormous capacity and potential  to strengthening and advancing an inclusive peace and development agenda in the Global South, however the lack of a structural approach in sharing knowledge and disseminating information on good practices and stimulating experts and thinker in the global south to share knowledge and prospects for appropriate remedies and solutions, face difficulties and obstacles, this chapter will look at the potential and the realization of full capacities of the SSC platform.

The chapter will highlight the case study, the approaches and mechanisms used to advance women and youth agenda on peace and development, as well as the obstacles. The chapter will broadly map the SSC potential and opportunities in strengthening cooperation and knowledge exchange, and potentially replicating or adapting good practices among the global South. The chapter will map the following:

a. How can SSC framework transform and impact Women/Youth Peace and Security Agenda

b. Policy Guidance for women, girls and youth inclusion in SSC on Peace and Development

c. Highlighting SCR 1325 on Women Peace and Security & SCR 2250 on Youth Peace and Security

SSC Expanding and advancing inclusive peace and development processes.

This chapter will be devoted for the discussion of cases from Latin America: Colombia, Guatemala and Nicaragua (Women, Peace and Security and Youth, Peace and Security Resolution)

SSC: Expanding and advancing inclusive peace and development processes

  • SSC's potential roles in the Peace and Development agenda and the integration of gender perspectives
  • The optimal use of SSC, the South-South Galaxy and the Global Thinkers platform.
  • The impact of the role of women and youth in the Peace and Development agenda.
  • The inclusion of women and youth, mechanisms and approaches in advancing women and youth's participation
  • The challenges, opportunities and good practices. 
  • Prospects of strengthening and expanding the role of SSC in each case.
  • Prospects of strengthening and expanding the role of SSC in each case.

Colombia, Guatemala and Nicaragua   (highlight of focus areas).

  • The peace agreement, critical political appraisal
  • Women contributions
  • Gender dimension of the agreement and the implementation of SCR 1325 and SCR 2250
  • Role played by women, signatories, members, and roles
  • The outcome

Chapter V: The Prospects for Inclusiveness, case study Asia: South-South Cooperation in strenghtening the gender dimension of Peace and Development in the Philippines, Indonesia and Nepal

SSC is one of the most dynamic platforms for economic development and thus, works with a diverse and flexible set of modalities and instruments, including knowledge exchanges, technology transfers, financing, peer support, neighborhood initiatives, and countries forming common development agendas to seek collective solutions to common problems. In relation to engendering peace and development agenda, SSC has an enormous capacity and potential  to strengthening and advancing an inclusive peace and development agenda in the Global South. However the lack of a structural approach in sharing knowledge and disseminating information on good practices and stimulating experts and thinker in the global south to share knowledge and prospects for appropriate remedies and solutions, diminishes the effectiveness of SSC. This chapter will look at the potential and the realization of full capacities of the SSC platform.

The chapter will highlight case studies,  approaches and mechanisms used to advance women and youth agenda on peace and development, as well as the obstacles. The chapter will broadly map the SSC potential and opportunities in strengthening cooperation and knowledge exchange, and potentially replicating or adapting good practices among the global South. The chapter will map the following

a. How can SSC framework transform and impact Women/Youth Peace and Security Agenda?

b. Policy Guidance for women, girls and youth inclusion in SSC on Peace and Development highlighting SCR 1325 & SCR 2250.

SSC: Expanding and advancing inclusive peace and development processes.

This chapter will be devoted for the discussion of cases from Latin America, the Philippines, Indonesia and Nepal (Women, Peace and Security and Youth, Peace and Security Resolutions).

SSC: Expanding and advancing inclusive peace and development processes

  • SSC's potential roles in the Peace and Development agenda and the integration of gender perspectives
  • The optimal use of SSC, the South-South Galaxy and the Global Thinkers platform.
  • The impact of the role of women and youth in the Peace and Development agenda.
  • The inclusion of women and youth, mechanisms and approaches in advancing women and youth's participation
  • The challenges, opportunities and good practices. 
  • Prospects of strengthening and expanding the role of SSC in each case.

The Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal (focus areas).

  • The peace agreement, critical political appraisal
  • Women contribution
  • Gender dimension of the agreement and the implementation of SCR 135
  • Role played by women, signatories, members, and roles
  • The outcome 

Chapter VI: Knowledge sharing on gendered Peace and Development, and the Impact of SSC Platforms

An important aspect of inclusive peace and developing is safeguarding that countries in the Global South are not left behind, and their good practices and experiences are widely shared, replicated, while inspired more advancement of women and youth agenda on Peace and Development.

This chapter will explore the new opportunities and challenges offered by the SSC framework, galaxy, global thinkers and think tank, and the use of artificial intelligence in disseminating good practices and generating information and solutions that can be adapted to serve the interest of each country in the Global South.

SSC can play an important role in assisting countries in structural transformation through knowledge sharing on policies, approaches and mechanisms used to advance women and youth concerns on peace and development agenda and promoting 2030 agenda and the sustainable development goals. This chapter features:

How the SSC framework can transform and impact the gendered peace and development agenda?

  1. The impact of using SSC platforms: the South-South Galaxy, Global Thinker,’s the Think Tanks?
  2. The role played by the SSC and intervention in development process.
  3. The impact of SSC on regional cooperation.
  4. The role of SSC in delivering Results linked to SDG5 and SDG16.
  5. SSC and the challenges to women's inclusion in development processes.

This section will explore the UNOSSC framework and active platforms and explore the potential impacts of the overall activities, including the South-South Galaxy, Global Thinkers and Think Tanks an how these platforms support and facilitate knowledge sharing and innovation and diverse approaches and strategies developed to strenghten the Peace and Development Agenda, and employing a gender-sensitive approach throughout the process. The section will map the SDGs and in particular SDG5 and SDG16, emphasizing the importance of the role played by South-South Cooperation in facilitating knowledge sharing and trading good practices across the region. 

Chapter VII: Conclusion

Summary of prospects, approaches and mechanisms conducive to the strengthening of SSC on peace and development and those that impact the inclusiveness of women girls and youth in peace and development processes. South-South Cooperation as catalyst for peace and development can play an effective role in fostering increased inclusion of women and youth inclusion in the peace process. This chapter will examine the SSC platform and framework and the possible contribution in enhancement and advancement of youth and women’s agenda on peace and development. The concluding remarks will highlight the global thinker’s opportunities in informing about progress and prospects of development as well as possible solutions. The South-South Galaxy as an online platform that is accessible to a wide range of experts, thinkers and practitioners has the potential to be a hub for knowledge sharing and thinking at the global level, and will allow the countries in the South, and Southern experts to trade valuable information and encounters as well as mechanisms and approaches of engagement on South-South Cooperation platforms. This chapter will highlight the positive role played by SSC in transforming the peace and development agenda and impacting and advancing gender sensitive peace and development process.

The platform will propose guiding practices for South-South Cooperation and programme advice in fostering for sensitive and inclusive SSC on peace and development. The conclusion will highlight:

  1. Towards strengthening SSC role in positively impacting and advancing gender sensitive peace and development agenda.
  2. Findings from the case studies and countries.
  3. Proposed Guiding practices and programme Advice.
  4. Final recommendations.




December 16, 2019

Submission of expression of interest, an abstract

December 20, 2019

Decisions made on selected choice of contributors

February 20, 2020

Submission of 1st drafts for comments and review (drafts with comments/feedback will be returned within 1 month of submission to authors)

April 15, 2020

Submission of 2nd drafts

May 15, 2020

External blind peer review & Fact-Checking of entire report. Final set of comments/feedback sent back to contributors

June 15, 2020

Submission of 3rd drafts. Entire report to send for professional copy editing and layout

July 15, 2020

Finalization and publication of report

August 2020

Launch of report (both in print and online)

Guidelines for Authors

  • United Nations South-South Office Cooperation; welcome remarks, inputs and contributions from authors, reflecting on the outline of this research.
  • South-South Cooperation scope – Individual contributions would need to examine South-South avenues, examples, good practices, case studies, policy prescriptions aimed at promoting and strengthening South-South trade and investments. In addition, authors would need to explore peace and development agenda and the prospects and history of the implementation of the Security Council resolution 1325 and SCR 2250.
  • Visit: for more information on South-South Cooperation.
  • Visit:
  • Visit:
  • Contributors are encouraged to refer to the United Nations peace and development framework and the framework of Operational Guidelines on United Nations support to South-South and Triangular Cooperation for future guidance on operation definitions, SSC guiding principles and frameworks. Information could be found by accessing the following link:
  • Individual contributions should be approximately 7000-8000 words, including all references.
  • Contributor/s are required to specify which chapter they/he/she plan to undertake.
  • Contributors are required to follow the Harvard style guide in preparing their chapters, including references.
  • Interested contributors are required to submit expressions of interest and brief chapter outlines (500 words in length) together with CVs and list of relevant publications to UNOSSC by December 16, 2019 for consideration.
  • First drafts are to be submitted by February 20, 2020 while 2nd drafts to be shared with UNOSSC by April 15, 2020 and 3rd drafts are required by June 15, 2020.
  • All submitted chapters must be the original work of the contributor(s). At the time of submission, submitted chapters should not have been previously presented, submitted or accepted for publication or published. All chapters will undergo double blind peer review prior to publication.

Key Questions to be Considered by the Authors:

  • To what extent can South-South and Triangular cooperation assist in the strengthening  of institutions and foster for inclusiveness on peace and development agenda, and in achieving developmental outcomes?
  • To highlight the gaps in information and lessons and good practices dissemination in the Global South that can serve as pathway towards an inclusive and sustainable peace and development,
  • To consider the most appropriate structure by which SSC can facilitate knowledge sharing and information?
  • How SSC will shape peace and development agenda going forward and advancing women and youth’s inclusion, and enhancing the achievement of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development?
  • How can SSC advance the approaches and mechanisms used by women and youth’s groups, to advance and augment their participation in the peace and development process?
  • Author(s) will seek to educate the reader on the essence of knowledge sharing and think tank and expert platforms, solutions disseminated, and answering the questions of what are the challenges, and the prospects of Global South cooperation and contribution in reshaping and advancing gender sensitive peace and development agenda?